Saturday, January 25, 2020
Anysys Fluent Simulation Of Turbulent Flow Engineering Essay
Anysys Fluent Simulation Of Turbulent Flow Engineering Essay The characteristics of fluid flow with sudden expansion in a 1:2 diameter ratio pipe are investigated using ANSYS Fluent. Results show fluid re-circulates just after expansion, length of recirculation zone approximates to 0.35m. Velocity, turbulence intensity and pressure vary along pipe length in accordance with Bernoullis principle. Influence of change in turbulence models on accuracy is also investigated with the Reynolds Stress model providing the relatively best fit although other turbulence models (realizable k-ÃŽà µ and SST k-à â⬠°) provide reasonably close fitting models. Results were checked for mesh independence and validated. Computational Fluid dynamics (CFD) involves computational simulation of fluid flows in different situations employing numerical solution of basic flow equations e.g. the continuity equation and other equations over a discretized unit reference (Versteeg, and Malalasekera, 2007). The usage of CFD transcends the traditional scope of chemical engineering profession into wider areas such as oceanography, biomedical engineering electrical circuitry, etc (Fairweather, 2011). Sudden expansion in pipes involves fluid flow from a smaller hydraulic diameter to a larger one. Flow separation usually occurs in a sudden expansion scenario, where a part of the fluid flows in opposition to the main fluid flow. This are called eddies, and are strong contributors to the irreversibility of practical flows as energy is dissipated by this eddies. Thus it is of great significance to be able to model eddies in a sudden expansion flow adequately and observe the characteristics of this recirculation zone (efluids, 2011; Gharegbagi and Ali, 2011; Mahmud, 2011: Roy, et al 2010). Sudden expansion is a simple looking but intriguing case of fluid flow in pipes. Sanmiguel-Rojas (2010) implies that not many significant studies have been done on instabilities encountered in steady, turbulent, sudden expansion fluid flow with respect to spatial structure of piping with D2/D1 = 2. However, previous remarkable work in this field includes Roy, et al (2010) and Mansoori and Bazargan-Lari (2007). Examples of scenarios in which the above phenomenon occurs include; Flows into a tank, oil drilling and extraction, plug flow reactors, combustion engines, aerodynamics, etc. Software ANSYS Fluent is a commercial CFD package that models flow via the finite-volume method (a variation of the finite difference method) created by the company Fluent (now part of ANSYS Inc.). Pre-processing of the case study (meshing) was done on Gambit which comes along with Fluent (now ICEM). The version of Fluent employed in this report is 12.1 (CFD-online, 2011; Weidner, 2011; ANSYS, 2009). This report covers the Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (RANS) modelling of turbulent flow with sudden expansion in a 1: 2 diameter piping, using the pressure based solver and the second order upwind difference scheme in ANSYS Fluent. Effects of changes in turbulence models on computational time, and accuracy would be examined, visual plots would be used to describe and analyse modelling results. SIMULATION METHODOLOGY Fig 1: diagrammatic representation of simulation process (Fairweather, 2011) Nature of Fluid flow under consideration Calculating the Reynolds number of the flow helps to determine the nature of the flow. At Normal Temperature and pressure (P = 101.325 kgm-2, T = 288.16 K) Generally it is accepted that flows with a Reynolds number (Re) > 4000 are turbulent in nature. Therefore it is established that the flow under consideration is a turbulent flow Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) RANS involves the time averaging of the equations that govern turbulent fluid flow to capture information on variations that occur on a minute scale while avoiding horrendously lengthy computation times. RANS represents variations as a mean such that ; ; ; and P RANS is employed in obtaining the equations that were numerically solved in this report assuming constant velocity and viscous flows (Fairweather, 2011). Geometry: The geometry consists of two pipes of diameter ratio 1:2 joined together through which fluid flows with no bends as shown below Fig 2: geometry of pipe showing mesh grid/mesh discretization Governing Equations Continuity equation: Momentum equation (x-direction only) Where:; ; ; ; ; ; TURBULENCE MODELS Realizable k-ÃŽà µ model The k-ÃŽà µ model is a two equation model that assumes a linear relationship between Reynolds stress and rate of strain. It has the advantages of fast computation time, wide usage and extensive validation. However, it predicts badly the length of eddies for complex flows. The realizable k-ÃŽà µ model is an update to the model based on observed strengths and weaknesses of the standard k-ÃŽà µ model (Fairweather, 2011; ANSYS, 2009). Below is a mathematical representation of the standard k-ÃŽà µ model Where: ÃŽà ¦ = k or ÃŽà µ; SÃŽà ¦=source term for k or ÃŽà µ; Sk= G-à à ÃŽà µ (production rate of k-destruction rate of k); SÃŽà µ= (C1G-C2à à ÃŽà µ)(ÃŽà µ/k) = (production rate of k-destruction rate of k) ; N.B. for this simulation: ; and SST k-à â⬠° model The k-à â⬠° model is also a two equation model based on the Wilcox k-à â⬠° model. It is suitable for wall bounded flows and free shear flows as it performs low Reynolds number corrections, computation time is relatively fast and accuracy is better than the k-ÃŽà µ model in most cases. à â⬠° is specific dissipation rate and is analogous to a ratio of ÃŽà µ/k. The SST k-à â⬠° model is an improved version of the standard k-à â⬠° model (ANYSYS, 2009). Reynolds Stress Model This is a very rigorous model, with seven equations unlike the preceding 2-equation models. It provides more accuracy where other models are faulty e.g. impinging flows and can predict fluid flow for a lot of cases closely without any dedicated / individual adjustments. However, computing costs are large (Fairweather, 2011) The first six equations of the RSM model can be condensed into the equation below Where: ; ; ; The seventh equation (turbulence dissipation rate) is N.B. in this simulation: ; and Numerical methods The discretization employed is the finite volume method. It is a variant of the finite difference method. This scheme splits up the domain into discrete control volumes over which the control equations are resolved using a truncated Taylor series expansion. Finite volume method is the most established of Discretization schemes in CFD modelling. Convective fluxes were evaluated with the second order upwind-difference scheme (Fairweather, 2011; Versteeg, and Malalasekera, 2007). Boundary conditions Table 1: boundary conditions for numeric solution (adapted from Versteeg, and Malalasekera, 2007) Realizable k- ÃŽà µ model SST k-à â⬠° model Reynold Stress model Inlet k = 0.01148438 m2s-2 ÃŽà µ = 0.02888982 m2s-3 k = 0.1148438 m2s-2 à â⬠°= 27.95085 Rij = ÃŽà µ = Outlet ; ; ; Interior k = 0 ; ÃŽà µ = 0 k = 0 ; à â⬠° = 0 Rij = 0 ; ÃŽà µ = 0 Walls law of the wall Law of the wall Wall functions Convergence criteria and levels For all the equations solved by each model, a uniform convergence criterion of 1.0 x 10-4 was used for every equation solved. The value represented an informed compromise between acceptable accuracy and realistic computation time (ANYSYS, 2009). It is worthy of note that for the RSM model, this relatively stringent criterion caused the number of iterations to exceed 14,000 without any obvious improvement in results as shown in fig 2. Therefore a cap of 4,000 iterations was placed on the RSM calculations. Results show there was no ensuing negative impact on accuracy of numerical solution. Fig 3: Iteration length for RSM model showing Mesh Independence test The table below shows that results from the modelling experiment are similar and essentially the same within three (3) decimal places of precision irrespective of mesh size employed. Also since assurance of mesh independence cannot be guaranteed by mere reduction in cell size (Sloan et al, 1986), an attempt was made at adaptive meshing to attenuate important flow variations and phenomenon with the same results obtained. Table 2: Grid/Mesh independence of simulation Gambit Mesh/Grid size Volume of unit cells Mass flow rate at inlet [kgs-1] Mass flow rate at Pressure-outlet [kgs-1] Error Percentage Difference (%) 5 439,993 0.016809944 0.016809996 -5.22E-08 3.09 x 10-4 7 163,311 0.01678467 0.016784551 1.19E-07 7.08 x 10-4 10 55,182 0.016728994 0.016729204 2.1E-07 1.255 x 10-3 10b 100,693 0.016728994 0.016728895 -9.9E-08 5.9 x 10-4 15 16,750 0.016609019 0.016608695 -3.24E-07 1.95 x 10-3 N.B. 10 b means mesh size 10 with boundary layer mesh added (adaptive meshing) Grid optimization (Mesh finesse Vs Time trade off) The greater the volume of unit cells in grid per geometry, the better the accuracy of numeric analysis. However, within the scope of grid independence, results are relatively uniform irrespective of mesh size. The cost of finesse of grid is computation time could be noticed with the case of mesh size 5 (439,993 cells) which took almost forever to compute using the RSM model and had to be terminated. Thus mesh 10 (55,182 cells) and 10b (100,693 cells) were employed for analysis with other mesh sizes serving as validation checks RESULTS AND ANALYSIS Part 1 Taking a close look at flow close to the walls of the pipe, we see the effect of sudden expansion resulting in backflow of fluid creating velocities in the opposite direction (red box). Recirculation zone is approximately 0.37m in length. We also can see how the fluid adjust to changes in geometry with a sharp rise velocity to fill the voids created by liquid moving backwards then a gradual decrease as pressure pile us towards the exit of the pipe Fig 4: velocity variation along length of pipe close to the walls showing effects of recirculation Fig 6 shows the variation in turbulence intensity. It can be seen that the flow becomes more turbulent around the recirculation zone with dead (stagnant) flow occurring just at the corners of the pipe. Fig 7: displays the total pressure variations in the pipe. It can be noted that sudden expansion causes a drop in total fluid pressure. Fig 8 shows the radial velocity and profile. It can be noted that velocity variation in the radial direction is minimal, which is typical of plug fluid flow depicted by fig 5. Fig 9 is a streamline plot of axial velocity, velocity variation along the axial direction is more dominant than in the radial direction, also worthy of note is the length of the recirculation zone (black box) and the reattachment zone. Fig 5: stages of flow development at different positions on pipe length Fig 6: Turbulence intensity profile of fluid along length of pipe Fig 7: Total pressure profile of fluid along length of pipe Fig 8: Radial velocity profile of fluid Fig 9: streamline plot of axial velocity of fluid Part 2 Fig10(a-c) shows axial velocity profiles for different turbulent models in order of increasing complexity (realizable k-ÃŽà µ à ¢Ã
¸Ã ¶ SST k-à â⬠° à ¢Ã
¸Ã ¶ RSM). Curves get smother showing a more gradual response of the fluid to changes and also approach exact solution, as model complexity increases. However, all the essential features of the fluid flow are well represented by all models. Fig 11(a-c) displays turbulence intensity variations, more variation details are captured as model increases in complexity. Worthy of note is that the SST k-à â⬠° model provides a more detailed picture of turbulent intensity variation in reference to the other models picking up intensities as low as 5.42 x 10-5 %, while the realizable k-ÃŽà µ picks up a minimum of 0.336% and RSM 1.45% Fig 12(a-c) shows streamline plot of axial velocity, though length of recirculation zone remains approximately the same the representation of velocity magnitude in recirculation zone varies visibly for each model. Fig 13(a-c) is the radial velocity profile; the SST model indicates larger radial velocities along pipe length than both than both the realizable k-ÃŽà µ and the RSM models. For all models radial velocity variation is dominated by axial velocity variations Fig 10a: k-ÃŽà µ model Fig 10b: SST model Fig 10c: RSM model Fig 11a: k-ÃŽà µ model Fig 11c: RSM model Fig 11b: SST model Fig 12a: k-ÃŽà µ model Fig 12b: SST model Fig 12c: RSM model Fig 13a: k-ÃŽà µ model Fig 13b: SST model Fig 13c: RSM model VALIDATION OF RESULTS For CFD, convergence of numerical iterations does not really count for much as Versteeg and Malalasekra (2007) put it results are at best as good as the physics embodied in it, or at worst as good as the skill of the operator. Thus, validation of results becomes extremely important. The results obtained herein would be validated thus: Bernoullis equation For an ideal fluid flow Bernoullis equation enables us to calculate the velocity at any point in the pipe (assuming constant flow rate, and negligible friction losses). Therefore we can validate output velocity from fluent using this principle (Roymech, 2011). Where vin = 1.73855 ms-1, P1= 101.325 kgm-2, P2= 101.325 kgm-2, g = 9.81 ms-2; à à =1.225 kgm-3; z1 = 0.1m; z2 = 0.1m; Therefore Mass flux variation results from Fluent The third mechanism for validation will be the CFD package fluent itself. Analysis of the computation results as presented in table 4.0, show that value of errors resulting residuals is very low (less than 0.0095%) indicating conservation of mass during numerical calculations which lend credit to suitability and accuracy of model. Table 3: comparison of percentage error of each model MODEL/mesh volume K-EPSILON (%) SST K-OMEGA (%) REYNOLD STRESS (%) 5 0.000309 0.00352 N/A 7 0.000708 0.004468363 0.000673233 10 0.001255 0.007867 0.001124 10 b 0.000153 0.00258 0.001488 15 0.00195 0.000783 0.00927 N.B. 10 b means mesh size 10 with boundary layer mesh added Research journals In addition to the above validation processes, the results of modelling experiment reported in this work were compared with previous research works such as (Roy, et al 2010), (Mansoori and Bazargan-Lai 2007) and (Teyssandiert, 1973). Results obtained corroborated foregoing analysis and results obtained it the above mentioned papers. CONCLUSION In summary, CFD modelling of sudden expansion flow in a 1:2 diameter ratio piping posses the following characteristics. Sudden expansion in pipe flow results in local pressure losses Flow fully develops into plug flow before exit at outlet and majority of the variations occur axially along reactor length Recirculation of fluid occurs after sudden expansion for a lengthspan of approximately 0.35m along pipe Viscous effects along wall boundaries help dissipate energy of turbulent eddies The realizable k-ÃŽà µ model predicts the size and strength of recirculation zone poorly, but as flow develops into plug flow, the models accuracy remarkably improves with reference to the other models tested. Turbulence models become better with increase in complexity of model from k-ÃŽà µ to SST k-à â⬠° to RSM. Ability of other models to better the k-ÃŽà µ model in recirculation zone prediction can be attributed to embedded corrections for boundary layer flow, turbulent kinetic energy and dissipation rates.
Friday, January 17, 2020
Industrialized Poets Essay
Edgar Allan Poe, Walter Benjamin, and Arthur Rimbaud all lived in the turbulent 19th Century where the idyllic countryside was giving way to the industrialized world. Their poetry reflects the profound impact industrializationââ¬â¢s onslaught had on the world. Starting from Edgar Allan Poe, to Arthur Rimbaud and finally to Walter Benjamin this paper will discuss the effect of industrialization on their respective worldview vis-à -vis the situation of the world during their life time. A City in the Sea By Edgar Allan Poe Lo! Death has reared himself a throne In a strange city lying alone Far down within the dim West, Where the good and the bad and the worst and the best Have gone to their eternal rest. There shrines and palaces and towers (Time-eaten towers that tremble not!) Resemble nothing that is ours. Around, by lifting winds forgot, Resignedly beneath the sky The melancholy waters lie. No rays from the holy heaven come down On the long night-time of that town; But light from out the lurid sea Streams up the turrets silently ââ¬â Gleams up the pinnacles far and free ââ¬â Up domes ââ¬â up spires ââ¬â up kingly halls ââ¬â Up fanes ââ¬â up Babylon-like walls ââ¬â Up shadowy long-forgotten bowers Of sculptured ivy and stone flowers ââ¬â Up many and many a marvelous shrine Whose wreathà ©d friezes intertwine The viol, the violet, and the vine. So blend the turrets and shadows there That all seem pendulous in the air, While from a proud tower in the town Death looks gigantically down. There open fanes and gaping graves Yawn level with the luminous waves; But not the riches there that lie In each idolââ¬â¢s diamond eye ââ¬â Not the gaily-jeweled dead Tempt the waters from their bed; For no ripples curl, alas! Along that wilderness of glass ââ¬â No swellings tell that winds may be Upon some far-off happier sea ââ¬â No heavings hint that winds have been On seas less hideously serene. But lo, a stir is in the air! The wave ââ¬â there is a movement there! As if the towers had thrust aside, In slightly sinking, the dull tide ââ¬â As if their tops had feebly given A void within the filmy Heaven. The waves have now a redder glow ââ¬â The hours are breathing faint and low ââ¬â And when, amid no earthly moans, Down, down that town shall settle hence, Hell, rising from a thousand thrones, Shall do it reverence. à à à à à à à à à à à The setting is in a city in the west ruled by death who is worshiped by all. This set is often quoted or at least used for the crafting of gothic films or at work. Death looks down upon all from his high tower, like Sauron atop Barad-Dur. The city has ââ¬Ëdomes, spires and kingly halls, and fanes and Babylon like walls. The poem makes a rather ironic point because the west has always been associated with good and life and the east with evil and death. For example, in Tolkienââ¬â¢s Lord of the Rings Trilogy Aragorn is the goodly Lord of the West while the Sauron commands a legion of evil Easterlings. à à à à à à à à à à à Poe speaks of a brooding end of days when ââ¬Ëthe waves now have a redder glow, the hours are breathing faint and low.ââ¬â¢ The waves turning red as a sign of hells coming because red is the color of fire and hence the color of Hell and the Devil. ââ¬Ëand when, amid no earthly moans, down, down the tower shall settle hence, Hell rising from a thousand thrones, shall do it reverence. It would appear that the poem speaks of the city of death as if it were superior to Hell. Rather, as if Hell were subordinate and must pay homage. The end is a creepy scene where the Devil expresses gratitude to the devil for allowing him to come and rule the Earth. à à à à à à à à à à à As can be expected of Edgar Allan Poe the setting is dark and brooding. In relation to the modernization being experienced during Poeââ¬â¢s time it is quite possibly a comment on the widening gap between the rich and poor as a result of industrialization, specifically the factory system. Poe lived in the early 19th Century in his time factories were being setup left and right. People were migrating from the provinces to the cities in order to get jobs at the factories because the cottage industries they used to have were no longer viable. Instead they had to move to cities. The cities were grim gothic environs in their own right. Sanitation, Housing, and food were all in short supplies. The cities were dirty, grimy, disease ridden affairs for the vast majority of the rural immigrants. Life was short and dangerous, they lived miserable lives often working in inhuman conditions for factory owners who ruthlessly abused them. Contrast this with the capitalists who owned the factories. The newness of the factory system meant that laws were not yet in place to protect the rights of the workings. Unscrupulous factory owners worked the peasants to the hilt. Fourteen-hour work days and Six-day work weeks were not unknown. Wages were a scandal, with no wage boards or unions to protect them and with the labor being a buyers market most workers had no choice but to accept the poor wages or be unemployed. As a result, the factory owners could become oppressively rich. In fact, in the Victorian era the Nobles and the now-wealthy Capitalists mingled as equals in the lavish parties of the day. Men like Vanderbilt and Astor could afford to build Palatial estates fit for kings quite possibly at the expense of the wretched workers in their factories. In my opinion, aside from his already dark and brooding outlook and writing style, Edgar Allan Poe was inspired to write A City in the sea by his exposure to the factory system. The oppression of the workers vis-à -vis the extreme privilege of the owner may have further jaded mr. Poe. He would is not the first, and he was certainly not the last to suggest that Hell itself will rise from the City in the Sea. Moving forward, Arthur Rimbaudââ¬â¢s Une Saison en Enfer or A season in hell was written at the time when he was recovering from a gunshot. The book has had considerable influence on later Surrealist writers it was considered a revolutionary work because it shunned conventional description, straightforward narrative and didactic purpose. His work revolts against naturalism, precision and objectivity. Rimbaud relies on suggestion and evocation rather than concrete depiction. For this paper we will focus on the second poem Bad blood. The poems read like the confessions of a self-confessed scoundrel. And why should it not? Rimbaud had a homosexual lover named Paul Verlaine who later shot him when they broke up. The book was direct result of his shooting and the tumults he underwent while recovering from the wound. Initially the book was unsuccessful. The poem Bad Blood, like the rest of his work, reads like the rants of a self-confessed scoundrel. He explores his pre-Christian, Gaellic origins and emphasizes his alienation from modern civilization. Scholars are at variance as to what the actual theme of his work is. However, the general consensus is that it has to do with the Narratorââ¬â¢s struggle to reconcile the ideals of Christianity with the Hypocrisy and Corruption of Western Civilization. There are many dualities presented and exposed for what they are. In relation to his times the Hypocrisy and Corruption was at its hilt. In those days nearly every European power had colonies overseas. All European nations, at least in the west, professed freedom and civil liberties as inalienable rights. Slavery and serfdom were obsolete and illegal in Western Europe. Yet all one has to do is leave the confines of continental Europe so see that slavery is still widely practiced. I believe that as result of modern printing and communication methods like the Morse code and the AFP news began to travel faster than it did before. This exposed Rimbaud to the many forms of Hypocrisy and Corruption that crippled the morale fiber of Europe. For example, Africans are treated as second-class citizens in their own country. They are forced to work inhumane conditions in the mines, plantations and farms of their European masters for little or no viable compensation. Civil liberties are denied to colonials to the hilt, in the Philippines the Spanish are allowed to beat up the locals just for not showing them the proper deference. In fact, he did not have to go very far. There were many reports of women and children working in English coal mines. They even went on strike to protest their inhumane wages and working conditions. Normally news from England would take days or even weeks to reach continental Europe and vise versa but thanks to the telegraph a workerââ¬â¢s strike in Paris can be known to Londoners as quickly as the next day. Finally, Benjaminââ¬â¢s work was perhaps the most heavily affected by industrialization. In fact, his book Paris, Capital of the Nineteenth Century is almost entirely about the advances and changes brought about by the rapid industrialization of the bygone century. The book outlines the changes in almost glowingly utopia perspective. This is in contrast to the dark, brooding and negative views of the previous authors. For example, the first chapter ââ¬Å"Arcadesâ⬠points out that material and social conditions that makes Arcades possible. With the advancement of capitalism, Arcades have become obsolete, replaced by the department store. As an aside, Benjamin refers to Arcades as almost utopian paradises. The next chapter about Daguerre photography mentions the role of photography in transforming art. The chapter also mentions how photos become a commodity and emphasizes the commodity trade of photographs in relation to portraits. Benjamin will later refer to this as unconscious optics. The fourth chapter points out how the rapidly industrialized world has successfully separated home from work. In the olden days of Agriculture people worked that land where they lived. In his day people traveled quite far to reach the factories and shops where they worked. à à à à à à à à à à à Simply put, Benjamin chronicles the changes that industrialization has brought about. It is appears he view industrialization as positive since there are few mentions of the negative aspect of it. Instead Industrialization is viewed positively as a means to improve the lives and livelihoods of people. à à à à à à à à à à à Industrialization brought about massive changes during the 19th century. Poets and writers as purveyors and chroniclers of the peopleââ¬â¢s world-view are not isolated from these sweeping changes. These authors are just a few examples of how the great changes of their times greatly affected their styles.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Population Growth and Movement in the Industrial Revolution
During the first Industrial Revolution, Britain experienced massive changesââ¬âscientific discoveries, expanding gross national product, new technologies, and new buildings and structure types. At the same time, the population changedââ¬âit grew in number, became more urbanized, healthier, and better-educated. There is evidence for some in-migration of the population from the rural areas and foreign countries as the Industrial Revolution got underway. But, while the growth was certainly a contributing factor in the revolution, providing the vast industrial expansion a workforce it urgently needed, the revolution also worked to increase urban populations too. Higher wages and better diets brought people together to meld into new urban cultures. Population Growth Historical studies indicate that between 1700 and 1750, the population of England stayed relatively flat, with little growth. Precise figures dont exist for the period before the establishment of a nationwide census, but it is clear from existing historic records that Britain experienced a demographic explosion in the latter half of the century. Some estimates suggest that between 1750 and 1850, the population in England more than doubled. Given that the population growth occurred when England experienced the first industrial revolution, the two are likely connected. People did relocate from the rural regions into large cities to be closer to their new factory workplaces, but studies have ruled out sheer immigration as the largest factor. The population increase came from internal factors, such as changes in marriage age, improvements in health allowing more children to live, and an increase in the number of births. More and Younger Marriages In the first half of the 18th century, Britons had a relatively late age of marriage compared to the rest of Europe, and a large percentage of people never married at all. But suddenly, the average age of people marrying for the first time fell, as did the rates of people never marrying, which ultimately led to more children. The birth rate in Britain also rose to out-of-wedlock births. As young people moved into the cities, they met more people and increased their chances of matches over sparsely populated rural areas. Although estimates of the precise percentage of real term wage increase vary, scholars agree that it rose as a result of growing economic prosperity, allowing people to feel comfortable starting families. Falling Death Rates Over the period of the industrial revolution, the death rates in Britain began to fall and people began to live longer. This might be surprising given that the newly crowded cities were rife for disease and illness, with an urban death rate higher than the rural areas, but overall health improvements and a better diet (from improved food production and wages to buy it) offset that. The rise in live births and drop in death rate has been attributed to a number of factors, including the end of the plague (this happened too many years before), or that the climate was altering, or that hospitals and medical technology had made advances such as smallpox vaccines. But today, the increase in marriage and birth rates is held to be the main reason for the sheer growth in population numbers. Spreading Urbanization Technological and scientific developments meant industries were able to build factories outside of London, and so multiple cities in England became increasingly larger, creating urban environments in smaller centers, where people went to work in factories and other mass places of work. The population of London doubled in the 50 years from 1801 to 1851, and at the same time, the populations in the towns and cities across the nation blossomed as well. These areas were frequently bad as the expansion happened so quickly and people were crammed together into tiny living spaces, with dirt and disease, but they were not poor enough to stop the lengthening of the average lifespan. It was the industrial revolutions population movement which began the era of the urban population, but the continued growth within the urban environments can be more justifiably credited to birth and marriage rates within those environments. After this period, the relatively small cities were no longer relatively small. Now Britain was filled with many huge cities producing enormous quantities of industrial products, products and a way of life soon to be exported to Europe and the world. Sources Clark, Gregory. Chapter 5 - the Industrial Revolution. Handbook of Economic Growth. Eds. Aghion, Philippe, and Steven N. Durlauf. Vol. 2: Elsevier, 2014. 217-62. Vries, Jan. The Industrial Revolution and the Industrious Revolution. The Journal of Economic History 54.2 (2009): 249ââ¬â70. Print.Feinstein, Charles H. Pessimism Perpetuated: Real Wages and the Standard of Living in Britain During and after the Industrial Revolution. The Journal of Economic History 58.3 (2009): 625ââ¬â58. Print.Goldstone, Jack A. Efflorescences and Economic Growth in World History: Rethinking the Rise of the West and the Industrial Revolution. Journal of World History 13.2 (2002): 323ââ¬â89. Print.Kelly, Morgan, Joel Mokyr, and Cormac Ãâ Grà ¡da. Precocious Albion: A New Interpretation of the British Industrial Revolution. Annual Review of Economics 6.1 (2014): 363ââ¬â89. Print.Wrigley, E. A. Energy and the English Industrial Revolution. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 371.1986 (2013). Print.Wrigley, E. A, and Roger Schofield. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Killer Angels By Michael Shaara - 1596 Words
There was never a bloodier war on American soil in history than the Civil War. Those short four year took the lives of thousands soldiers and destroyed many infrastructures of America. The war, however, was more than a battle between Lincoln and Davis, North and South, slavery and freeman. The Civil War was a war of ideals. The accounts told by the soldiers shown that, although the two sides did not agree on most topics, the North and the South did held certain ideals. In The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara, the eyes of James Longstreet and Joshua Chamberlain expresses the battle between the North and the South as an opportunity to show their major contributions, their loyalties to their troops, and their opinions of the war that shaped them. Lieutenant General James Longstreet contributed to the Civil War despite the lack of appreciation from his fellow men. Longstreet opposed offensive warfare in Gettysburg and argued that the ââ¬Å"enemy outnumbered you and outgunned you and would come looking for you anyway if you waited somewhere on your own groundâ⬠(10). He did not openly express his arguments all the time but was often ignored by General Robert E. Lee and many of the Confederate troops when he did spoke his mind about how an offensive tactic at Gettysburg would cost the Confederacy numerous casualties. Even though soldiers like Brigadier General Lewis Armistead agreed with many of Longstreet theories of defensives, but the South would never listen to Longstreet. TheShow MoreRelatedThe Killer Angels By Michael Shaara1634 Words à |à 7 PagesPulitzer Prize-winning author Michael Shaara, the author of The Killer Angels, was born on June 23, 1928 in Jersey City, New Jersey. He was an author of science fiction, sports fiction, and historical fiction. Although writing was his passion, Shaara was very athletically successful in high school, winning more awards than any other student in the history of the school for sports such as basketball, track and baseball. He acquired a skill in boxing, and of the 18 matches Shaara fought as a young man, heRead MoreThe Killer Angels By Michael Shaara1290 Words à |à 6 Pages The Killer Angels Essay ââ¬Å"There is no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending.â⬠Stated by Abraham Lincoln, this quote embodies the essence of war, its tragic character and unfortunate occasional necessity. Accordingly, the outcome of war and its battles is often determined by the attitudes of the leaders of the opposing sides, including their causes for the willingness to fight and to be fought. Such was the case with the Battle of GettysburgRead MoreThe Killer Angels By Michael Shaara1521 Words à |à 7 PagesThe book The Killer Angels was published in 1975 by the Ballatine Booksand was written by Michael Shaara. The Killer Angels is a historic novel about the time of the American Civil War, more specifically The Battle of Gettysburg. Shaara wrote this historical masterpiece with the sole purpose of letting the reader know exactly how the war was for the men actually putting their lives on the line to get this great country of America to the stature it is today. In order to accomplish his goal of creatingRead MoreThe Killer Angel By Michael Shaara1248 Words à |à 5 Pages The Killer Angel is a book elaborating on the history of the American civil war authored by Michael Shaara. The book has gained popularity among American citizens as it covers one of the deadliest battles in American history that took place at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, hence the title of the battle of Gettysburg (Shaara 5). The crash involved two major groups, the Confederacy, and the Union. The Confederacy constituted of seven secessionist states from the South who advocated forRead MoreThe Killer Angels By Michael Shaara1947 Words à |à 8 Pagesthe dueling North and South together to the small town of Gettysburg and on the threshold of splitting the Union. Gettysburg was as close as the United States got to Armageddon and The Killer Angels gives this full day-to-day account of the battle that shaped Americaââ¬â¢s future. Michael Shaara author of ââ¬Å"The Killer Angels,â⬠tells the story of the Battle of Gettysburg through the eyes of generals Robert E. Lee, Joshua Chamberlain, James Longstreet, and John Buford, and the other men involved in the actionRead MoreKiller Angels By Michael Shaara850 Words à |à 4 Pages In the Pulitzer Prize winning civil war novel Killer Angels, Michael Shaara covers five days of the historic battle between the Northern and Southern United States at Gettysburg. Both the North and the South fought for freedom, although they did not have equivalent definitions of freedom. The North and the South were unwavering in their beliefs and their hope for a better United States, but what the two butted heads the most on was slavery. The South was a primarily agrarian region which reliedRead MoreThe Killer Angels By Michael Shaara1117 Words à |à 5 Pages Michael Shaaraââ¬â¢s 1974 historical novel, The Killer Angels, covers the story of the four days of the Battle of Gettysburg that also features maps for visualization. The format of the story is well organized. It begins with a Foreword, which describes in great detail the armies and soldiers involved in the battle. It follows up with four sections and within each section there are chapters that are written in chronological order, covering the events between Monday, June 29, 1863 and Friday, July 3Read MoreThe Killer Angels By Michael Shaara Essay1255 Words à |à 6 Pages In the novel The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara, the story is told from the perspective of the men that fought in the war of Gettysburg in Pennsylvania on July 1863. We are able to see both sides of the combatants, their struggles they faced, friendships acquired, losses, personal stories and their views. In history we only learn the superficial information of how it occurred in the battle and the outcome of it, but we do not know how it happened and how much effort it took to fight in thatRead MoreThe Killer Angels By Michael Shaara1123 Words à |à 5 PagesThe Killer Angels Novel written by Michael Shaara describes the Gettysburg battle from the perspective of Robert E. Lee, James Longstreet, various soldiers from both sides, and other men who fought in the battle. This author makes the reader go back in time and actually makes the reader depict the circumstances, and situations that soldiers and generals faced. This Novel makes the reader know that both sides were eager to win, and bring this bloodshed to an end. This amazing Novel shows how neighborRead MoreThe Killer Angels By Michael Shaara852 Words à |à 4 PagesThe Killer Angels by Michael Shaara was not just a fiction novel, it was a story of a man who actually saw the battlefield of Gettysburg and learned about the battle and its importance. When he returned from the battle sight he decided to write a novel based on his experience there. Instead of creating fictional characters he used the names and experiences he had directly with the main characters of the novel. Not only did Shaara study and review letters, documents and journal enteries of the men
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